Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Waterworks Have Begun

I'm finally writing my first post on this blog and it's mostly for the sake of my own sanity. I'm almost 15 weeks pregnant and think I am cracking up from my hormones. I'm trying to remain relatively normal but burst into tears tonight when my boyfriend laughed after I told him not to laugh. It's not like it was anything major to be fair:

I was bitching about my dad wanting dinner cooked when I got back from work (he is painting my flat and I am actually paying him!) and feeling like a housewife and then feeling infuriated when he said "Well this is what it will be like when the baby is born." After what I felt was like slaving over a hot stove, he was less than enthusiastic and quickly said that he would cook dinner tomorrow. It's not that I expect him to brown-nose me, but for f*cks sake! Humour me or something!

Anyway I relayed all of this to my boyfriend and was greeted by silence and then the distinct sounds of stifled laughter. "Are you laughing?!" I screeched and then he really did laugh. And then I burst into loud noisy sobs and he was completely shocked. He didn't let it get to him though and I was laughing in between sniffles and felt like a complete dick after a while.

I'm off to bed. I've had a shit day, I work with muppets, I tried on a bra in Marks and Spencer and recoiled at the sight of myself squeezed into my trousers and I feel like standing on top of a table and stamping my feet and screaming like a lunatic.

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