Monday, May 21, 2007

Overdue & Hormonal Day Three

No-one really prepares you for how crap you'll feel when you go overdue. I'm on day three and I've done quite well at getting on with things but I've found that I've become twitchy when the phone rings or I hear the telltale beep of a text message. I spent the morning and half of the afternoon at my GP and then the hospital. I feel completely pissy because it is difficult to get consistent information and everyone contradicts the shit out of each other. All the pain I've been having for the past month? Yes, some of that is 'early' labour pains but what nobody mentioned until today is the position of the baby is causing much of the pain.

The bambino is OP or back to back - she is presenting all the limbs to my stomach as opposed to my back and even though she is 4/5ths engaged, the position means her head is not at quite the right angle and that unless she shifts position when I go into labour, I am in for a long drawn out labour. Oh joy...

I've been booked to be induced on...yes you guessed it...the evening of the 29th, the day we move. Fecking sods law. My hospital induces on day 10 or 11, so we have to go with it. Pray that I don't have to go through the whole induction thing. I hear it's not pleasant....

The registrar tried to do a membrane sweep but apparently, my cervix is NOT ready...

I got home a while ago after pottering around the shops for a bit, and took 3 calls and replied to a few texts on my return and then burst into tears. I felt better afterwards...

Oh and I forgot to mention that another one of my friends from the antenatal class gave birth yesterday to a baby boy. My cervix and the bambino may not be getting the show on the road, but the rest of the world is ;-)


Emily said...

You were certainly right when you said the other day you don't do things by halves!! I hope you have lots of people to help with the move. That's the last thing you need to be worrying about if you do have to be induced. Here's hoping it won't come to that though.

I completely understand how frustrating it must be for you going overdue when everyone's been telling you for ages that she'd come early, but I'm sure you'll forget all about your drawn-out wait for the bambino once she's in your arms :)

Take care xx

Delboys Daughter said...

Oh.. you already had a membrane sweep! Doh just advised that on the other blog heheh