This was the scan where we found out the sex...sort of... Unfortunately the bambino is such an active baby that it was difficult to pin down to be sure about the sex. Eventually the midwife said that she was 'pretty certain' that it's a girl...but not to go overboard on pink.
My acupuncturist had done the dousing thing with the pendulum and it said that the baby was a boy and this was when I was about 10 weeks pregnant, so for ages we'd thought it was a boy going nuts in there.
We're very excited about our little girl who is a kicking maniac that doesn't like to rest very often. In the scan pic she is putting her thumb into her mouth. This was after showing off and moving around so much that they couldn't even measure her head initially as she was moving the hands and legs around whilst looking upwards. After a while I had to bounce up and down on the bed so that she eventually moved her head into a measurable position.
Seeing how much she had developed from when we'd seen her at 14 weeks was unbelievable. We saw her little bum, heart, kidneys, feet and all sorts of detail. She also likes to use the umbilical cord as a rattle.... I thought she was blowing bubbles but it turned out that it was the umbilical cord....
Because the sex of the baby is potentially in dispute, everyone we know is speculating about the sex. My ma, who claims to be psychic insists that it's a girl, the boyf is paranoid that it's a boy now (when we thought it was a boy, he became paranoid that it was a girl) and the rest of our friends are divided. Maybe we would have been better off just not asking about the sex but whatever comes out, we can hardly wait!
A mini-NML. Love it!
I'm excited! I'm excited about your new baby blog and excited about the little girl. Can I be a blogger uncle? :) All the best~
oh! can i be the "God-blogger"?
she looks like a little angel!!!
so happy for you both. :)
does the kicking hurt? that sounds awfully uncomfortable.
I MUST be a girl! I'll bet she's inherited your penchant for MJ dancing.
Great blog. Better than mine. www.pregnantbloke.com
Oops, I mean www.pregnantbloke.blogspot.com
Sweet - Yay! I finally get my mini-me!
Stephen - Wassup Uncle? ;-)
VB - You called it first, so you can have the proud honour! The bambino is very lucky to have an extended family online!
Annie - Hello Aunt Annie! Ooh it does sound nice! She's a gorgeous litle thing if I do say so myself ;-)
NYM - I'm not aloud to teach the baby MJ moves according to the boyf... We'll see about that ;-)
Preg Bloke - I made sure to add you to my blogroll and thanks!
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