Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Still Pregnant...For Now

I think it's safe to say that I'm at that stage of the pregnancy (almost 39 weeks) when I'm starting to feel like I've been pregnant forever and I get twitchy at the texts, emails and phonecalls asking if I've popped yet. Overall I'm quite chilled and relaxed but I am starting to feel weary and just want the bambino to arrive now. I'm dying to see her! But at the same time, I'm making the most of this time whilst I have it.

I have been very absorbed in various writing and blogging projects and my brain has been forced to override it's pregnancy bimbo mode, because one of my blogs Baggage Reclaim, had so many technical problems in the space of the past 9 days, it was scary. Thank goodness for small mercies that it all happened before not after the bambino arrived as it would have been game over no credits. I have had to figure out so much stuff (lots of code crap) and I ended up having to do a redesign, but the worst is over now. Thankfully I love doing all of this stuff (even though I'll do a bit of bitching and moaning)!

I have also started building my shopping blog for baby and mother products which I'm loving doing. It gives me somewhere to put all of my shopping energy!

I've been having lots of Braxton Hicks and 'early labour pains' which haven't materialised (clearly) into actual labour. Some of them really bloody hurt which makes me wonder that if I'm like this for the dress rehersal, what will I be like for the big production!?! Today it felt like my pubic bone was cracking...NICE!

Life is good but not particularly exciting. I'm not exactly a social animal at the moment and even though I have been meeting up with friends a few times each week, I actually like being at home. Everything requires a lot of energy and I think I have a fear of my waters breaking in public, plus when I get the pains, it's difficult to clutch yourself in public!

I had my last acupuncture and midwife appointments today and it all felt so final. The next time I see either one of them is either if I go overdue or after the birth. My doctor, like my consultant at the hospital, isn't convinced that I'll go overdue, but I've heard all that waffle before and I try not to place too much stock in it as I'll be pissed off if I do go overdue. But if I don't, by Friday of next week, I'll be a mum! Fecking hell! Exciting, scary, daunting, knee wobble inducing stuff!

I'm meeting the girls from my NCT class (National Childbirth Trust antental class) tomorrow, for the first of what is no doubt going to turn into mums who sit in coffee shops every week meetings. It'll be nice to meet up with people going through the same thing as me.

Ok, I'm offski to bed. Every time I go to bed, I wonder if I'll wake up in labour or something...jaysus!


Delboys Daughter said...

Sleep and rest.. sleep and rest right now.
You'll need it!
Good luck in the coming weeks sugar.


NML said...

Thanks darling. I swear I'm trying! x