On Friday I had a consultants appointment at the hospital and she decided to book me for a scan (I had it this morning) as she thought the baby might be a 'little bit small'. This is the second time that someone has suggested this although the first time they didn't scan me and instead sent me to the obstraetrician who pretty much said that my midwife had been talking out of her backside. It seems that it's the same thing this time around, except for this time the scan confirmed it. I know they're only doing their jobs and being cautious, but it doesn't stop me from cacking myself in fright each time (not literally)! It was great to see the baby again and I can't get over how much she has grown! And after all of the comments about boys coming out when people have been told that it's a girl, I have had it definitely confirmed that it's a girl. Ha! The bro will be gutted as I'm sure he had a bet on for a boy!
It was actually quite sad to leave behind my peeps at work on Friday. I was incredibly touched by the card and plus I got vouchers for Gap (God I love that store!). As I read leaving messages from my colleagues, I felt myself well up... Hormone alert! I have to say though, I am loving having my life to myself. I certainly don't miss getting up for work or worrying about how many ads there are in the magazine I work for.

After I left the hospital this morning, I popped into TK Maxx. This used to be a favourite of mine as I can spend ages scouring for designer bargains, but admittedly I haven't done it for ages. This morning it paid off as I finally got a baby changing bag. It's a Samsonite bag and it would normally retail for £85 but I got it for £15. Result! It has a changing mat and bottle warmer and lots of handy pockets. There are few ways that it can be carried and it includes to straps to attach it to the handle of the pram. I also left with a pair of Tommy Hilfiger sunglasses £15 instead of £85 and an Osprey wallet/purse £12 instead of £85. A morning well spent....
yay for baby showers! glad it went well and you got lots of nice things for the baby :)
also glad to hear that everything's fine with the baby and she's definitely a 'she'! I know someone who was told they were having a girl, so everything they had was pink, and lo and behold... no, it was a boy! you're lucky to have had the scan the other day, if only for that reason! :D
all the best for everything, I'm sure she'll be perfect! :)
Good Job! :)
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