So I'm still at home on bed rest and 'technically' on maternity leave as I've actually been signed off until I was due to finish work on the 19th. I'm not sure what caused the change with my back but I have now had persistent pain in my lower back for 10 days. Normally I would ache after sitting down, standing or walking for a while, but now I don't need to do anything to hurt. At least I have ruled out early labour which apparently persistent lower back pain is supposed to be an indicator of.
"Have you been having any labour pains?" asked the doctor.
"Er....how do I know what's labour and what's just pregnancy aches?" He gave me a bemused look. "Yes...this is my first pregnancy and if I went into labour now I wouldn't have a clue what to do...I have gathered that it hurts a lot...unfortunately lots of things with pregnancy do!" I quipped.
The boyf has bought me a pair of Crocs against his will and they've gone a long way to soothing my back pain. He has made some noises about the shoes only being for pre-baby but I've actually fallen in love with them as they're so fricking comfy and because I'm only a size 4, I don't actually look like Sideshow Bob...
It dawned on me a couple of days ago that I am transcending 'career girl' and taking up the roles of 'housewife' and 'mother'. Sweet baby Jesus and the orphans! Have I ever mentioned how much I despise ironing? I wisecracked to the boyf's mum that I should buy an apron for my new role and promptly howled with laughter. She laughed too but I suspect an apron may arrive soon...
After fannying around with Evite and My Registry.com for the past week or so, I finally sent the invites for the baby shower. Apparently I need to decide on a theme for it now (%$****!!) and so far I have suggested a Michael Jackson theme. This went down like a lead balloon with the boyf who lives in perpetual fear that I will teach the baby to moonwalk...
The house move is proving to be a pain in the arse. I'm not allowed to stress about it...apparently...but the whole thing takes so long and there are 3 of us in the chain and 2 are proving to be slow jackasses and our solicitor f'd off on holiday for 3 weeks and left a guy that had an allergy to the telephone as her cover. You don't know how many times I've wanted to phone them up and get gangsta with these people but the boyf says that he will do the stressing so I've had to zip it. It looks like we'll be moving 2 weeks before the due date. Yikes!
Still haven't been able to bring myself to buy a breast pump even though I do intend to buy one. The boyf will probably want to play with the bloody thing anyway! When we were in Mothercare the other day, there was an Avent video playing demonstrating the breast pump and the boyf was so startled and transfixed, he stood there watching it for ages as it looped around again and again. "Boyf! You're supposed to be shopping with me, not looking at that bloody woman's nipple!" I yelled. "It [the nipple] just seems so big! And the baby really loves the boob!" he explained helplessly.
The last major thing we have to buy is the cot and we're down to 2, the Leander Cot Bed (o

I'm going to acupuncture tomorrow (I've been going for over a year and it's what put my sarcoidosis in remission) and hopefully she can help with the back pain. The bofy is supposed to be coming along so that he can learn about massage techniques for labour. I just know he will be his usual entertaining self....
I usually refrain from offering assvice, but I can't help myself from saying, "Oooohhh, you do NOT want a crib/cot that doesn't have drop-down sides!" Lifting the baby out when the mattress is in the lowest position is hard enough, but imagine having to change the sheets! It's a backache waiting to happen...and, while I hope otherwise, there's no guarantee that your back pain will resolve immediately once the baby's born. Just thinking ahead.
The backache is a pain or stiffness of the back. Pain in the inferior or average part is commonest to feel the back. The backaches are more common during the adolescence, but also the people of legal age suffer and who appear and disappear during periods of time.
The backaches can be caused by a pull in some of the 200 muscles of the back that allow us to maintain to us raised. The pull takes place when raising very heavy objects, when raising something from an uncomfortable position or when doing too much effort with muscles of the back. Most of the backaches the twist of a ligament or muscle can be caused by tension or.
The backache can be associated with:
• Stiffness, creeps, loss of mobility in an arm or a leg
• Pain Chest or difficulty to breathe
• Increase of the intensity of the pain, although this with medicines
• Difficulty to walk or to maintain the balance.
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